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12 products from £149.00 to £1119.00
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine 5ft King Size Slatted Bed
W 218cm x D 165cm x H 122cm
This item can be delivered to you by 05 Mar, We will contact to book once item is ready for dispatch.
This item is delivered in a knockdown condition and needs to be assembled before use.
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine 5 Drawer Tall Chest
W 60cm x D 45cm x H 115cm
This item is delivered ready assembled and can be used straight after unpacking.
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine 8 Drawer Wide Chest
W 160cm x D 48cm x H 75cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine Wall Mirror
W 90cm x D 5cm x H 60cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine Blanket Box
W 100cm x D 50cm x H 52cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine 4-8 Seater Extending Dining Table
Table ClosedW 140cm x D 90cm x H 78cmTable OpenW 200cm x D 90cm x H 78cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine 1 Drawer Lamp Table
W 60cm x D 40cm x H 45cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine 2 Drawer Coffee Table
W 115cm x D 60cm x H 45cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine Compact Sideboard
W 115cm x D 45cm x H 85cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine 2 Door Small Sideboard - 95cm
W 95cm x D 45cm x H 100cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine Writing Desk
W 108cm x D 60cm x H 78cm
Washed Grey Reclaimed Pine 3 Drawer Bedside Cabinet
W 50cm x D 40cm x H 68cm
This item can be delivered to you by 26 Mar, We will contact to book once item is ready for dispatch.