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3 great reasons to buy Alphason Essentials TV Stands from us - UK’s Best Brands, Lowest Prices and 24 X 7 Support!
The Essentials Collection unites famous components and materials for AV furniture, which joined bring a style that will fit in any space. Alphason Essentials TV Stands is accessible in a scope of sizes and shapes to fit flawlessly into its environment. Link administration adds to its smooth and jazzy looks. Inflexible strain bar development. It is D-molded for corner arrangement and level to wall. It has cable administration. Safety glass racks toughened to British and European gauges. You will find distinctive sorts of TV stands, for example, Alphason Sona Glass TV Unit - AVCR42-3-G, Alphason Sona Black Glass TV Unit - AVCR50-3-BLK, Alphason Ancora Black TV Unit - ANC800-3-GR and some more.
12 products from £79.00 to £149.00
Alphason Essentials 100cm TV Stand - Black - ESS1000/3-BLK
W 100cm x D 40cm x H 51cm
This item can be delivered to you by 26 Feb, We will contact to book once item is ready for dispatch.
This item is delivered in a knockdown condition and needs to be assembled before use.
Alphason Essentials 80cm TV Stand - Black - ESS800/3-BLK
W 80cm x D 40cm x H 51cm
Alphason Century Cantilever 80cm TV Stand - Light Oak - ADCEC800LO
W 80cm x D 40cm x H 40cm
Alphason Century Cantilever 80cm TV Stand - Walnut - ADCEC800WAL
Alphason Century Cantilever 80cm TV Stand - Black - ADCEC800BLK
Alphason Century Walnut and Black Glass 120cm TV Stand - ADCE1200-WAL
W 120cm x D 40cm x H 40cm
This item can be delivered to you by 12 Mar, We will contact to book once item is ready for dispatch.
Alphason Century Clear Glass 120cm TV Stand - ADCE1200-LO
Alphason Century Walnut and Black Glass 120cm TV Stand - ADCE1200-BLK
Alphason Century Clear Glass 150cm TV Stand - ADCE1500-WAL
W 150cm x D 40cm x H 40cm
Alphason Century Clear Glass 150cm TV Stand - ADCE1500-LO
Alphason Century Walnut and Black Glass 150cm TV Stand - ADCE1500-BLK
Alphason Essentials 120cm TV Stand - Black - ESS1200/3-BLK
W 58.4cm x D 48.3cm x H 38.1cm
This item is delivered ready assembled and can be used straight after unpacking.