It's a promise about Price, Service & Quality!
Unlike other retailers The Furnshop do not deceivingly shout all over the web that they are the cheapest.
We believe in being genuine and offer value to our customer's in terms of price, service and quality.
However we often learn from our customers about other online retailers quoting them cheaper than us, thus we have drafted a genuine Price Promise Policy that is authentic & very easy to claim.
How it works?
It is unlikely that you will find any other retailer offering a better price than us, in the event you find any like to like product offered over the web which is cheaper compared to our prices, then we guarantee you to beat the price provided the following conditions are met:
*When we say the retailer must be genuine, we mean the retailer should not be Internet Only Website and must be an established furniture store like us, selling furniture as a business and not an eBay seller or an Auction site.
Sadly there are 100's of Internet companies selling furniture online in the UK at really low prices and then later compromise on service, delay customers deliveries and upon cancellation even fail to refund customers or go out of business.
But at The Furnshop we assure you nothing but "Value for money" "Great Customer Service" & "Excellent Quality Furniture"
The Furnshop reserves the right to apply this Price Match Policy in case by doing so it would incur a loss or have to compromise in service standards.
To claim under our Price Promise Policy please email at [email protected] providing us complete information such as:
Alternatively you can just pick the phone and call us free on 0116-296-2565
Monday to Saturday: 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM
Sundays Closed & Bank holidays: 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM