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3 great reasons to buy Baumhaus La Roque Mahogany from us - UK’s Best Brands, Lowest Prices and 24 X 7 Support!
11 products from £249.00 to £869.00
La Roque Mahogany Low Bookcase
Over AllW 92cm x D 33cm x H 120cmAdjustable ShelfW 73cm x D 27cm x H 32cm
This item can be delivered to you by 05 Mar, We will contact to book once item is ready for dispatch.
This item is delivered ready assembled and can be used straight after unpacking.
La Roque Mahogany Narrow Bookcase
Over AllW 50cm x D 37cm x H 176cmDrawerW 26cm x D 32cm x H 13cmShelvesW 42cm x D 32cm x H 27cm
La Roque Mahogany Console Table
Over AllW 120cm x D 35cm x H 75cmDrawerW 25cm x D 23cm x H 8cm
La Roque Mahogany Home Office Desk
Over AllW 113cm x D 55cm x H 80cmDrawerW 17cm x D 29cm x H 7cmComputer TowerW 24cm x D 46cm x H 42cmRight ShelfW 52cm x D 47cm x H 25cm
La Roque Mahogany 1 Door 6 Drawer Computer Desk
Over AllW 175cm x D 55cm x H 80cmLeft Pedestal Two DrawerW 43cm x D 35.5cm x H 7.5cmRight Pedestal DrawerW 43cm x D 35.5cm x H 7.5cmDeskW 175cm x D 55cm x H 80cmCupboardW 56cm x D 45cm x H 53cm
La Roque Mahogany 3 Drawer Filing Cabinet
W 65cm x D 55cm x H 118cm
La Roque Mahogany Wide TV Cabinet
Over AllW 147cm x D 52cm x H 52cmSmall DrawerW 17cm x D 30cm x H 15cmLarge DrawerW 38cm x D 30cm x H 15cmShelvesW 44cm x D 46cm x H 17cm
La Roque Mahogany Corner TV Cabinet
W 109cm x D 54cm x H 66cm
La Roque Mahogany Ancillaries Entertainment Cabinet
Over AllW 60cm x D 35cm x H 84cmDrawerW 36cmx D 24cm x H 13cmShelvesW 42cm x D 32cm x H 11cm
La Roque Mahogany Lamp Table
Over AllW 45cm x D 42cm x H 76cmCupboardW 32cm x D 31cm x H 48cmDrawerW 35cm x D 29cm x H 6cm
La Roque Mahogany CD and DVD Cupboard
Over AllW 52cm x D 23cm x H 130cmCupboardW 44cm x D 18cm x H 22cm